Personal branding shoot small business photographer The Hague | ASPIRE Pilates

I met Lucy from ASPIRE Pilates at a personal branding shoot at Florence Laval where she followed a training in facial massage. Soon she will offer this massage in her studio for which I also took the photos. But more about that in a future blog.

The key words of ASPIRE are: Personal | Effective | Empowering. But what makes ASPIRE so special? I quote: "The difference between a pret-a-porter garment and made to measure dress? That’s the difference between the ASPIRE Pilates The Hague studio and all others. We offer a highly personalised, made-to-measure approach suited to individual’s needs."

The ambassador of ASPIRE is Georgia Burashko , mezzo-soprano and winner of Dutch Classical Talent. During her busy tour and other pursuits, Pilates is an essential part of her preparations.

Are you also interested in a branding shoot? Please feel free to Please contact me me for the possibilities and have a look at my portfolio.